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来源:http://www.jingmeisuliao.com/ 日期:2024-05-11


The main components of plastic bags are polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, and polystyrene resin.


Introduction to plastic bags:


The commonly used food plastic bags are mostly made of polyethylene film, which is non-toxic and can be used to hold food. There is also a type of film made of polyvinyl chloride, which itself is non-toxic, but the additives added according to the purpose of the film are often harmful substances to the human body and have a certain degree of toxicity. So this type of film and plastic bags made from it are not suitable for containing food. To distinguish between polyvinyl chloride plastic bags and polyethylene plastic bags, the following simple method can be used for identification.


Polyethylene film (non-toxic)



The film is milky white and semi transparent (especially noticeable when stacked several times). It feels relatively smooth to the touch, as if there is a wax layer on the surface. When shaken vigorously, the sound becomes brittle, and it is flammable when exposed to fire. The flame is yellow, and there are droplets of mucus during combustion, as well as the smell of candles burning.


Polyvinyl chloride film (generally toxic)


If not colored, it is transparent and feels a bit sticky to the touch. Shake vigorously and the sound is low. It is not easy to burn when exposed to fire and extinguishes immediately after leaving the flame. The flame appears green.

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The above is an introduction to customizing plastic bags in Jinan. For more information, please click: http://www.jingmeisuliao.com We will wholeheartedly provide you with full score service. Welcome to call us!