济南塑料袋 高压塑料袋和低压塑料袋哪个好?
塑料袋高压低压哪个好?在进入主题之前跟大家科普一下什么高压塑料袋?什么是低压塑料袋?不知道的商家不妨花两 分钟看下,相信会对你有所帮助,知道的可以跳过。
Which is better for plastic bags with high pressure and low pressure? What kind of high-pressure plastic bags do you want to talk about before entering the topic? What is low pressure plastic bag? Businesses who don't know may as well take two minutes to have a look. I believe it will be helpful to you. You can skip what you know.
高压塑料袋,高压袋指的是用LDPE制作而成的塑料袋子,也就是塑料袋厂家口中所说的PE。PE塑料包装材料制成的袋子的光 泽度较好,质感较软,用手轻晃,响声很小。是上公认的接触食品材料。是塑料袋印刷用量多、重要的材料。
High pressure plastic bag refers to the plastic bag made of LDPE, that is, PE in the mouth of the plastic bag factory. The bags made of PE plastic packaging materials have good gloss and soft texture. They shake gently with hands and make little noise. It is a recognized food contact material in the world. It is an important material with large amount of plastic bag printing.
低压塑料袋,低压袋指的是用HDPE制作而成的塑料袋子,也就是塑料袋厂家口中所说的PO。PO材料制成的塑料袋子的光泽度 较低,质感略硬,用手轻晃,能听到哗哗的响声。这两种材料(全新料)都无味。
Low pressure plastic bag refers to the plastic bag made of HDPE, which is the so-called Po in the mouth of the plastic bag factory. The plastic bag made of Po material has low gloss and slightly hard texture. When shaking with your hand, you can hear the noise. Both materials (all new materials) are tasteless.

So which is better, high-pressure and low-pressure plastic bag?
小编已经不知道和大家说过多少次了,塑料袋材料没有谁好谁差之分,只有合适与不合适之分。比喻PE,PE是塑料袋印刷用 量多、重要的材料。我们平时逛街时,商家使用的一般都是用PE材质制作也就是高压。而我们平时使用得多的却使用的材料 则是PO也就是低压,为什么不用PE呢?
I don't know how many times I have told you that plastic bag materials are not good or bad, only suitable and inappropriate. Compared with PE, PE is an important material with large amount of plastic bag printing. When we usually go shopping, businesses usually use PE material, that is, high pressure. The material we usually use more is Po, that is, low pressure. Why not use PE?
那是因为PE无论是硬度和韧性都比不上PO,而背心袋不像塑料袋,装的商品比较杂乱,对袋子的硬度和韧性都有很高的要求 ,这也就是为什么制作一般都用PO的原因。那为什么不用PO制作塑料袋呢?
That's because PE can't compare with Po in terms of hardness and toughness. Unlike plastic bags, vest bags contain messy goods and have high requirements for the hardness and toughness of bags. That's why Po is generally used in making. Then why not use Po to make plastic bags?
那是因为用PO制作的塑料袋,外观会打皱,而需要塑料袋的客户一般对塑料袋的外观要求比较高,装的商品也比较单一,这 也就是为什么不用韧性和硬度都比较好的PO的原因。
That's because plastic bags made with Po will wrinkle in appearance, while customers who need plastic bags generally have high requirements for the appearance of plastic bags and the goods loaded are relatively single, which is why Po with good toughness and hardness is not used.
塑料袋高压低压哪个好?在进入主题之前跟大家科普一下什么高压塑料袋?什么是低压塑料袋?不知道的商家不妨花两 分钟看下,相信会对你有所帮助,知道的可以跳过。
Which is better for plastic bags with high pressure and low pressure? What kind of high-pressure plastic bags do you want to talk about before entering the topic? What is low pressure plastic bag? Businesses who don't know may as well take two minutes to have a look. I believe it will be helpful to you. You can skip what you know.
高压塑料袋,高压袋指的是用LDPE制作而成的塑料袋子,也就是塑料袋厂家口中所说的PE。PE塑料包装材料制成的袋子的光 泽度较好,质感较软,用手轻晃,响声很小。是上公认的接触食品材料。是塑料袋印刷用量多、重要的材料。
High pressure plastic bag refers to the plastic bag made of LDPE, that is, PE in the mouth of the plastic bag factory. The bags made of PE plastic packaging materials have good gloss and soft texture. They shake gently with hands and make little noise. It is a recognized food contact material in the world. It is an important material with large amount of plastic bag printing.
低压塑料袋,低压袋指的是用HDPE制作而成的塑料袋子,也就是塑料袋厂家口中所说的PO。PO材料制成的塑料袋子的光泽度 较低,质感略硬,用手轻晃,能听到哗哗的响声。这两种材料(全新料)都无味。
Low pressure plastic bag refers to the plastic bag made of HDPE, which is the so-called Po in the mouth of the plastic bag factory. The plastic bag made of Po material has low gloss and slightly hard texture. When shaking with your hand, you can hear the noise. Both materials (all new materials) are tasteless.
So which is better, high-pressure and low-pressure plastic bag?
小编已经不知道和大家说过多少次了,塑料袋材料没有谁好谁差之分,只有合适与不合适之分。比喻PE,PE是塑料袋印刷用 量多、重要的材料。我们平时逛街时,商家使用的一般都是用PE材质制作也就是高压。而我们平时使用得多的却使用的材料 则是PO也就是低压,为什么不用PE呢?
I don't know how many times I have told you that plastic bag materials are not good or bad, only suitable and inappropriate. Compared with PE, PE is an important material with large amount of plastic bag printing. When we usually go shopping, businesses usually use PE material, that is, high pressure. The material we usually use more is Po, that is, low pressure. Why not use PE?
那是因为PE无论是硬度和韧性都比不上PO,而背心袋不像塑料袋,装的商品比较杂乱,对袋子的硬度和韧性都有很高的要求 ,这也就是为什么制作一般都用PO的原因。那为什么不用PO制作塑料袋呢?
That's because PE can't compare with Po in terms of hardness and toughness. Unlike plastic bags, vest bags contain messy goods and have high requirements for the hardness and toughness of bags. That's why Po is generally used in making. Then why not use Po to make plastic bags?
那是因为用PO制作的塑料袋,外观会打皱,而需要塑料袋的客户一般对塑料袋的外观要求比较高,装的商品也比较单一,这 也就是为什么不用韧性和硬度都比较好的PO的原因。
That's because plastic bags made with Po will wrinkle in appearance, while customers who need plastic bags generally have high requirements for the appearance of plastic bags and the goods loaded are relatively single, which is why Po with good toughness and hardness is not used.