Aluminum foil bags are a major cause of secondary contamination of products after sterilization. Conventional chemical or physical disinfection methods damage the quality of packaging materials. Microwave disinfection requires lower temperatures than conventional heating disinfection and does not have a significant impact on product quality. In terms of plastic packaging bag sterilization technology, it mainly targets sealed aluminum foil bags. Because this type of sterilization is carried out after the item is packaged, and chemical methods are generally not used. These sterilization technologies mainly include the following:
1. Hot pack sterilization method
This is a sterilization method of heating food or beverages to 80-90 ° C, placing them in hot aluminum foil bags while they are hot, sealing them, and storing them at high or certain temperatures. This treatment method is mainly used for liquid foods with high acidity.

2. Steaming sterilization method
这种方法主要用于一些酸性较小的食品,如肉、鱼、家禽、牛奶、鸡蛋等。温度一般为121℃或134℃。采用的方法是将铝箔袋(蒸煮袋)放人高压密闭容器内用蒸汽或加压水加热。根据蒸煮袋在时的不同情况可分静置加热与回转加热等。 加压高温根据采用的加热介质不同,又可分饱和蒸汽、空气加压蒸汽以及加压水等。目前用的较广的为饱和蒸汽,因为该方式费用经济合理,湿度控制方便。
This method is mainly used for some less acidic foods, such as meat, fish, poultry, milk, eggs, etc. The sterilization temperature is generally 121 ℃ or 134 ℃. The method used is to place the aluminum foil bag (steaming bag) into a high-pressure sealed container and heat it with steam or pressurized water. According to the different sterilization conditions of steaming bags, they can be divided into static heating sterilization and rotary heating sterilization. Pressurized high-temperature sterilization can be divided into saturated steam sterilization, air pressurized steam sterilization, and pressurized water sterilization according to the different heating media used. The currently widely used method is saturated steam sterilization, as it is cost-effective and convenient for humidity control.
3. UV sterilization
After packaging food or beverages in aluminum foil bags, sterilization can also be achieved through efficient ultraviolet light irradiation. When using this method, the intensity and duration of ultraviolet radiation should be determined based on the size of the packaging bag and the amount of content.