Physical performance:
Strength: Factors such as extrusion temperature and stretch ratio in the production process can affect the strength of plastic bags. Appropriate process parameters can make plastic bags have high tensile strength and tear resistance, and can withstand certain weight and external forces.
Thickness uniformity: Temperature control and mold design during the extrusion process are crucial for the thickness uniformity of plastic bags. Plastic bags with uneven thickness may easily break during use, affecting their service life.
Transparency: The selection of raw materials and processing techniques can affect the transparency of plastic bags. For example, using high-purity raw materials and fine processing techniques can make plastic bags have high transparency, making it easier to observe the items inside the bag.
Chemical properties:
稳定性:塑料袋的生产工艺会影响其化学稳定性。例如,PVC 塑料袋中含有较高比例的氯(Cl),在一定条件下可能会释放出有害物质。而 PE 塑料袋相对较为稳定,但在长期使用过程中也可能会受到光照、温度等因素的影响,发生老化和降解。
Stability: The production process of plastic bags can affect their chemical stability. For example, PVC plastic bags contain a high proportion of chlorine (Cl), which may release harmful substances under certain conditions. PE plastic bags are relatively stable, but they may also be affected by factors such as light and temperature during long-term use, leading to aging and degradation.
Corrosion resistance: Different production processes and raw materials will make plastic bags have different corrosion resistance. For example, some special purpose plastic bags may require acid and alkali resistance, which requires selecting appropriate raw materials and adding corresponding additives during the production process.
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